Hello Stranger from Ashburn, United States

you are using Amazon.com, Inc. internet connection, welcome to my page

About Me

Hello my name is Cecep Sidik Permana, commonly called Cecep. Yes, I am a web programmer. I have been pursuing this field from 2006 until now. Dozens of apps and hundreds of features I may have worked on together with the team. But not all of my applications are documented in my portfolio. If you ask me how far my work experience is, I can't answer that. If you order an application or application solution to an existing problem, what I can do is present the application as needed then please assess how much the application costs. I also have social media accounts even though I am not very active in using them. You can contact me through these media. If there is anything to ask, please use the menu provided, if there are no obstacles and time, we will definitely communicate

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